* Bachelor's degree in General Medicine and Surgery from Cairo…
- MSc in Otolaryngology, Cairo University. Head of the Department…
* Master of Pediatrics and Neonatology from Ain Shams University…
* Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Radiology * Master of…
* Bachelor of Physiotherapy. * Master of Physiotherapy. Treatment of…
* Bachelor's degree in Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery…
* Bachelor of Science in General Medicine and Surgery, Al-Azhar…
* Bachelor of General Medicine and Surgery * Diploma in…
* Bachelor of General Medicine and Surgery Faculty of Knowledge.
* Bachelor of General Medicine and Surgery, El-Neelain University *…
* Bachelor of Science and Technology in Diagnostic Radiology from…
* Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences from Sudan…
* Bachelor of Dentistry - Damascus University Dental fluoride treatment…
* Bachelor's degree in general medicine and surgery from Zagazig…
* Bachelor of General Medicine and Surgery * Postgraduate diploma…